Thursday, June 24, 2010

Sustainability: Vote For That!

Do you feel that there is nothing you can do to make a difference?

You want to, but what can one person do?

One person can do a lot when they join with others who are already voting for sustainability.

Taking action is like voting for what you want to see happen in the world.

For example-

I just took action to tell the EPA to protect our waters from harmful nitrogen and phosphorus pollution.

Check it out:

These are the kinds of simple things we can do to make a difference. After we take action it is important to let others know about it (that is what I am doing right now). The more people who hear about it the better.

Another way to vote for sustainability is with your money. If you purchase items derived from sustainable sources you are choosing/voting for what you want to see more of. Production is driven by what people spend their money on.

Another way to make a difference at the same time as making money is to invest in socially responsible companies. By supporting these companies and avoiding others helps to grow the right kinds of business. You can learn more here.

Friday, June 18, 2010

My Diet: Is It Sustainable?

I try to purchase organic and local food when I can (with my cloth grocery bags of course).

Our grocery store is not well-stocked with sustainable items, and I don't have a local farmers market, Whole Foods, Harris Teeter or Trader Joe's, but I do what I can.

I try to eat/serve less beef, pork and chicken with a preference for turkey.
I wish I could say that I buy locally raised, organic free-range turkey, but they are not available here in Seoul where I live.

So here is my daily diet (yes, I always eat the same thing):

Breakfast: Cherrios + organic flax cereal + local milk + organic cliff bar (energy bar)+ tap water

Lunch: plain oatmeal + local milk + organic and nonorganic fruits + mixed nuts+ tap water

Dinner: turkey bacon, tortilla, organic and local veggies or
spaghetti and peas and local bakery bread or
turkey slices and organic broccoli and rice or
Amy's organic frozen dinners or
turkey hotdogs and carrots

Dessert: organic dark cocoa

I have recently eliminated juice in favor of the real fruit (example: oranges instead of orange juice) which is more sustainable. I also try to only drink tap water over bottled water which is also more sustainable. Local bakery bread is more sustainable than organic bread that has been shipped a long way to your grocery store.I am still waiting for an organic spaghetti sauce that actually tastes good. Any suggestions? Also, I am waiting for our grocery store to stock organic rice, oatmeal, nuts and oat cereal. You know what? I just decided that I am going to speak to the manager of our local grocery store about this- maybe I can help things along.

I would also like to incorporate more beans and less meat in my diet- especially black beans, but I need some good recipes that will make my kids like it. hmmm???

So, yes, my diet could be more sustainable... but for now this is where I am.

Someday I will grow my own veggies on my deck. Taking one step at a time.

Meanwhile I think I'll rent the movie Food, Inc. to learn more.